The Incorruptibles Wichita

Incorruptible politicians aren't born, they're made.

Our Mission is to fill government with Incorruptible politicians who are committed to fighting the takeover of our government and economy. Incorruptible politicians will strive to create a government that represents all the people, protects the vulnerable, and improves the lives of all Wichitans. Corporate groups and corporate money have far too much control over the lives of the majority. The Incorruptibles’ work engages everyday citizens to reclaim their rightful voice in society. Our goal is to create true democracy in Wichita.

The Incorruptibles are a new kind of volunteer organization. We believe this movement will only succeed if we integrate the unique skills and perspectives of thousands of volunteers. We call this Radical Creative Diversity, and we live up to this belief with every new opportunity our volunteers come to us with. We know that every city in America will have different issues and different perspectives. This is why we have created a unique Wichita platform. There are two core principles that all local teams must adhere to: No corporate money and No party affiliation. Join us as we build coalitions of progressive groups in order to fill all levels of government with unwavering politicians fighting for economic, racial, environmental, and social justice.

We are the Wichita Chapter of the national The Incorruptibles organization and we want to take local government from corporate control back into the hands of the people. We have a platform of three issues we focus on which are Police Accountability and Transparency, Public Transportation, and Increased Transparency and Accountability in Local Government. We think you share our ideals in general and particularly the three issues we want to focus on. We offer to help individuals campaign, but more importantly and better, we build a campaign on the issues to form a common identity that convinces voters that their voices may actually be heard, that their vote will actually matter, because we are campaigning for a majority of the City Council, not just one or two good candidates.

Why local politics? Here are three reasons why joining our Incorruptibles chapter in Wichita is perhaps the best thing you can do right now:

  1. Candidates who refuse big money and candidates who stand for the majority of Wichitans, have a greater difficulty winning national offices like the House or Senate. It is much easier for them to get grassroots support for a local position like City Council or Mayor, where it is possible to knock on enough doors to speak directly to voters. Once an Incorruptible candidate becomes a politician, they can build on the trust of their constituents to gain more and more supporters and donations as they move up to state and national offices. We currently don’t have a strong, organized group of incorruptible local politicians ready to move up to the state level. Corporatists have been much better about this and have taken over governments, causing absurd levels of gerrymandering and other forms of corruption.
  2. If you’re worried about Congress, you should know this: the biggest problem with midterms is that people don’t come out to vote. When more people vote, candidates who stand up for the majority of voters win. The best way to get people to vote for candidates in sate assemblies and congress is by engaging them in local elections like the Wichita City Council.
  3. Perhaps the most important reason we have an Incorruptibles chapter in our city is that city councils can protect people from the circus that is our current national and state government. Cities and counties that shield residents from deportation, sanctuary cities, are a good start, but there is a lot more we can and should do at the local level.

Our issues

Our primary issues for Wichita are:

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